Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hanging with family in New Mexio!

This semester has been overwhelming in so many ways. I have grown sentimental as I watch my educational career come to an end, and and begun to embrace the idea of not spending all my moments writing papers, reading for class, or studying for exams. I am ready for a lifelong career of helping all students succeed in school. Sure, there will be bad days, but the good moments will surpass those day's without batting an eye.

To get away and give myself some much needed R&R, I opted to ride with my in-laws to New Mexico to visit my brother in-law (Brian) and sister-in-law (Zemmie) and adorable nephew William for a few days. The drive is long (14 hours!), however, it gave me time to read for pleasure, and listen to great music as the scenery passed me by.

Sadly, we don't get the opportunity to see William often. The last time I held him was when they were back for my wedding in July. Boy oh boy is he growing quickly! William runs around non-stop and is talking up a storm! My heart melts whenever those big brown eyes look up at me! How could you not fall in love with this kid everytime you see him. And trust me, despite what his parents say, he can do no wrong :) Here are some candid shots of my handsome nephew. Warning- your heart will melt; he's a flirt too = )

Here's William taking a break from running around the back yard to pose for the camera!

Who knew a garden hose could be so fun!

Another break from playing! He loves being outdoors.

Has your heart melt yet? Because mine is gooshing all over!

Mothers, watch your daughters- he's gonna be a heartbreaker!!