Thursday, April 23, 2009

A look back...

As my last semester of graduate classes comes to close, I find myself in a reflective mood. I am amazed at how fast the past three years have come and gone, and how much I have grown over the past three years. I am more a more confident, passionate person. I accomplished something that many thought I would not be able to do. I did it for me. I am proud of who I have become, and look eagerly to the future with a long to-do list. Who else but me, has a list of 30 career goals before even having a job? Probably next to no one, but I say, "bring it on!"

I am optimistic that this eagerness will not disappear. I will strive to maintain my enthusiasm for my career, and want to always be a "mover and a shaker". I look forward to answering the question everyday, "So, are you a school counselor?"

(and to answer that, No, I am not. Wanna know what I do, check this out!)

Cheers to the past three years, and the many more to come.