Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jaimie's Birthday

If you haven't gathered it already, I am very close with my sisters. As sisters do, we have our differences, but always back each other up when the road gets rough.

(Our outfit coordination was not at all planned. Seriously, we are just that good!)

Last week was Jaimie's 23rd birthday. She decided to get a sitter, so we could go out and have fun for her big day. We started at Roja to enjoy delicious mexican food and tasty margarita's.

Have you had Roja margarita's?? they are deliciouso!

Mike and I had spent the day graduation party-hopping for all his seniors. Needless to say, we had already eaten everything in sight, but managed to make room for Roja. Doesn't Mike look miserable ;o)

We ended up at Lit lounge for a couple drinks. Dancing was involved :)

Here is the photographic proof that dancing occured. Somehow I lost the picture of me dancing..... weird.

Then we headed back to our house so the DD's could partake in a drink as well. More dancing ensued, as well as some Jenga!

Clearly, I put a lot of thought into Jenga. This was such a fun night! We need to do it again really soon!