Thursday, December 10, 2009

Uh oh!

As previously posted, I have started baking pies... and LOVE it. Each time I make one I get a little better the dough is just right, the edges look prettier, etc. Because of this, my mother in alw asked me to make two apple pies for Thanksgiving- I was so excited! Now Grandma could see that pie backing was not obsolete.

Of course schedules always get a little hectic around Thanksgiving. To accommodate this, I planned on making the pies on separate days so I didnt have to find a whole day to make pies. The first pie turned out well. The second pie was amazing. Seriously. The crust was the best I had ever made, it laid in the pan well, and the edges looked amazing. I laid the top crust over and holy moly it was beautiful!!

I put the pie in the oven and hit my thumb on the 450 degree rack and immediately pulled my hand away, with the pie in hand. In this moment I did something I will never live down... I let go of the pie. Thats right, i dumped it upside down in my 450 degree oven.

This is what i could get out of the oven before it burned to the bottom. There was only one homeade pie at Thanksgiving this year.